The world’s best known and most popular variety, the Hass has an excellent creamy, nut flavored taste and long shelf life. The oval shaped pear is easily distinguished from other avocados by its pebbly dark purple skin, which turns black when ripe.
Avocado | Reed
The Reed is plump and round with a mild to rich flavor and keeps in the fridge for up to a week after being cut open. It is ideal for salads.
Avocado | Pinkerton
The Pinkerton is large, long and tasty. It has long pear shaped fruit with a thick but easy to peel deep green skin. The light green flesh has a smooth texture, great flavor and high oil content and the small seed means that the flesh is more abundant.
Avocado | Fuerte
The Fuerte is the original high quality avocado. It has a medium to large size with an elegant pear shape, and an easy to peel deep green smooth skin, a buttery texture and an excellent creamy flavor.
Avocado | Ettinger
The Ettinger is the first avocado of the season. It ripens by early autumn and is has a pear shaped with a loose, large seed and soft, melting, mild flavored inner flesh.